Looking for Acupuncture in Houston?

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Looking for Acupuncture in Houston?

We Can Help!

Contact us to learn more or to schedule a consultation

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Acupuncture as a lifestyle upgrade!


“Researchers have found that acupuncture produces significant neuro-immuno-endocrinological changes in the human body. Specifically, researchers have found that acupuncture calms areas of the brain that register pain and emotion, activates those areas involved in rest and recuperation, increases blood flow in the treated area, reduces inflammation for the body, and produces long-lasting improvement in the immune system.”

Decoding an Ancient Therapy. The Wall Street Journal. March 22, 2010

Acupuncture treatment explained

Dr. Bing discusses Acupuncture in detail and shares some actual patient case studies.

Acupuncture for wellness

Developed nearly 3000 years ago in China, acupuncture is at the forefront of symptom reduction, provoking almost immediate changes and improvements.

Acupuncture has three primary goals, all of which build towards a cumulative effect on your wellness:

  • Alleviate immediate symptoms, like mood swing, pain, craving, allergies.

  • Promote wellness and eliminate the underlying cause of your symptoms.

  • Maintain wellness and prevent future issues.

Better yet, acupuncture fits in well with our custom nutrition plans as well as proper exercise and meditation. By itself, Acupuncture unlocks 30-50% of your healing potential, and when used as part of comprehensive, holistic treatment, the results are much stronger.

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Alleviate symptoms

Eliminate the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Maintain wellness

Supporting the Five Pillars of Health

If you or a loved one is looking for a better
way to treat your condition, reach out to us today!

Call Us Now!

Call us 713-572-3888
Call us 832-838-4444

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