Looking for knee pain treatment in Houston?

We can help!

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Knee pain

Looking for knee pain treatment in Houston?

We can help!

Contact us to learn more or to schedule a consultation

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Knee pain

Knee pain is common. You are not alone.


“Roughly 25% of adults suffer from frequent knee pain and limited knee function while most of the knee pain is caused by osteoarthritis over the age of 50.”

Knee pain treatment explained

Dr. Bing discusses therapy for knee pain in detail and shares some actual patient case studies.

New Therapy For Knee Pain

Research has found this new treatment is effective for knee pain. WeMED Health utilize evidence-based Eastern and Western medicine and combine FDA regulated medicine. weMED Health has successfully helped the majority of our patients with cartilage damage to regrow their cartilage.

Why our treatment is better than other treatments?

Conventional treatments give steroid shots, pain killers and/or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. The patient may receive between 4-12 hours of relief and will usually need to take once again the medication within 24 hours. Most of these kinds of medications will cause digestive lining, liver or kidney damage if taking regularly. Another group of medications, such as Celebrex and Vioxx, were less GI toxic, but after being on the market for ten years, FDA now warns that this group of medications may cause heart attack and stroke.


Physical therapy can strengthen the muscle and ligaments to help stabilize the joint. Massage, acupuncture, cupping and Chinese herbal formulas can help effectively reduce pain by alleviating swelling and inflammation. However, none of the above modalities can regrow the lost cartilage.

Request A Consultation

Pain relief without
harmful medication

Avoid knee replacement surgeries

Regrow knee cartilage

If you or a loved one is looking for a better
way to treat your knee pain, reach out to us today!

Call Us Now!

Call us 713-572-3888
Call us 832-838-4444

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Knee pain

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