Looking for Weight Management Program in Houston?

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Weight Management

Looking for Weight Management Program in Houston?

We can help!

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Weight Management

Without an adequate support group, losing weight can be demoralizing and draining.


“A study involving 165 patients found that those who underwent acupuncture experienced weight loss at a rate of 75% more than those who underwent diet alone.”

Weight Management treatment explained

Dr. Bing discusses Weight Management in detail and shares some actual patient case studies.

Weight Management for a happier and healthier life

We will help you find a weight loss plan that works through a combination of the weMED diagnostic tests and your individualized wellness plan, based on The Five Pillars of Health.

We will work with you to find the true cause of your weight gain, which may be attributed to an estrogen disorder, liver and insulin resistance, adrenal function disorders, or thyroid dysfunction. Full diagnostic tests will also identify which foods cause inflammation in your body, contribute to deficiencies in the nutrients you absorb, and negatively impact hormone levels and cortisol. Together, we will work with you to form an accurate, comprehensive picture of the state of your gut to help your body process nutrients properly and lose weight.

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Reduce inflammation

Have more energy

Feel healthier, more attractive, and more optimistic

If you or a loved one is looking for a better
way to treat your condition, reach out to us today!

Call Us Now!

Call us 713-572-3888
Call us 832-838-4444

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Weight Management

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